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IQ Blast Pro

Enhance Your Memory Naturally with IQ Blast Pro Experience the power of enhanced memory, improved focus, and overall brain health with IQ Bl...

Friday, May 20, 2022



PrimeShred is a male focused fat burner, which has been specifically formulated to help men drop the body fat percentage and see lean muscle growth.

PrimeShred advanced formula:
- Accelerates the natural fat-burning process
- Activates fat-burning hormones that break down stubborn fat
- Amplifies energy and mental focus
Customers can get FREE worldwide shipping and promotions such as Buy 2 Get 1 Free and Buy 3 Get 2 Free. Its formula is:
- Made in the USA
- Vegan and Vegetarian friendly
- Free from Soy, Gluten and Dairy
- No GMO
- Nothing artificial (no artificial colours, sweeteners or preservatives)

Rhodiola Rosea Root - 250mg Triggers fat burning by activating an enzyme that breaks down stored fat. Improves your energy levels and enhances your performance by increasing oxygen transportation to your muscles, making tough training sessions more manageable. Caffeine Anhydrous - 225mg Stimulates your metabolism and boosts fat burning by increasing production of key fat-burning hormones that break down fatty acids inside your fat cells. Also enhances your energy, focus and alertness. Cayenne Pepper - 200mg Fires up your metabolism and increases thermogenesis, helping you burn more calories and fat. Also boosts the activity of Akey fat-
burning enzymes and hormones to further speed the rate of fat breakdown

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